Sunday, April 30, 2006


阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879年3月14日—1955年4月18日),一位令人尊崇的著名物理學家(居然小時候數學考試不合格都可以做物理學家....)。愛因斯坦於1921年因在光電效應方面的研究,被授予諾貝爾物理學獎。還記得自己小時候拜讀其著名的廣義相對論(General Relativity)及狹義相對論(Special Relativity) (實在太深奧, 當然是連皮毛部份也是一知半解啦...) , 非常驚訝科學家那種非常人的思考方式及觀察事物的角度。

原來, 愛因斯坦除左在科學方面的獨特見解之外, 其語錄也是令人深感欣賞的. 以下是幾個小弟非常人欣賞的Einstein Quotes:-
  • Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
  • Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. (還不是說:「求學不是求分數」!??)
  • If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. (朋友, 還是小說話多做事吧!)
  • If my theory of relativity is proven correct, Germany will claim me as a German and France will say I am a man of the world. If it's proven wrong, France will say I am a German and Germany will say I am a Jew.
  • It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom.
  • The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. (是否在說:「天下文章一大抄!?)


唔好話我知你會用來聽!!! 答案係: - 用來玩骨牌!!

最近,一間係美國紐約都幾出名的Apple Specialty Store Tekserve 就用左US$60,000買左一部iBook同二百部iPod拍左個骨牌廣告 (不過就確實無聊左dd.....)



Tekserve的發言人 Dick Demenus 說: "Despite our rather rough treatment of the iPods, I want to assure Apple lovers everywhere that no iPods were hurt during the filming of this commercial"

Saturday, April 29, 2006

不日放映 - N記 三款 N 系列手機 N72、N73 及 N93

「只聞樓梯響」可以用來形容近年手機製造商的宣傳攻勢,係未有確實推出日期前(好似E70為例,明明話2006年Q1推出,忽然係website度寫"Availability: Planned in the second quarter of 2006",有無攪錯!!!), 早大半年就宣佈會有新型號推出...

其實有無心出新機架..科技呢樣野,今日就話係最新最update的規格, 等半年後都唔知乜野世界啦... 當DC都開始出1千萬像數model, 你就話下半年有300萬像數DV電話... 唉... 有無out d.....

左起: N72, N73, N93

入返正題先, 諾基亞最近又發怖了三款 N 系列手機,分別為 N72、N73 及 N93 (但係N71、N91 及 N80等款式都仍然係影都無!!!) , 三款手機均採用 Symbian S60 3.0 作業系統,擁有強大的多媒體功能,預計於 2006 年第三季上市。

值得一提的是 N72 及 N93 均採用 320 萬像素蔡司鏡頭,N93 之螢幕更可 270 度旋轉,可拍攝每秒 30 格的 VGA MPEG4 影片,是真正的 DV 手機; 而 N72 就以音樂功能為主,支援 MP3、AAC、 eAAC、eAAC+ 播放,內置收音機。

想睇「預告片」, 有興趣不妨去Nokia官方網頁睇睇....

如何係Mac上將DVD Movie轉做PSP Format

近日開始睇 "24" Series 1 (無錯係Series 1...), 一諗起要追24集劇 (話明係"24", 當然係24集啦... ), 就使我有莫明的衝動將DVD轉成PSP上可看的movie format. 幾經研究, 最終得出以下的步驟, 等各位看官有空時候也可以試下"DIY"

由於小弟打中文實在太慢, 以下部份將用English編寫, 敬請留意

Software: HandBrake (version 0.7.1) and ffmpegX (version 0.0.9w).
Hardware: Powerbook G4 (still haven't upgrade to MacBook Pro yet) and, of course, a PSP

The PSP screen has a resolution of 480x272, but for movies the total number of pixels (width × height) can't exceed 76,800 pixels. Some 16:9 sizes that reportedly work: 368x208, 416x176, 320x176, 384x160, 480x160, or 400x192
The PSP uses MP4 as its format with some proprietary changes. First, the name of the file is critical. Second, the name of the movie is embedded within the file. (There are no doubt other changes, but these are the two that I've found I need to be aware of.) Fortunately ffmpegX knows how to take care of these. Also, where the movie file is placed on the PSP is important. (Path: /MP_ROOT/100MNV01/)

Ok, let's start!

Handbrake stage:
  1. Mount the disc.

  2. Quit the DVD Player & run HandBrake.

  3. HandBrake detects the disc (/dev/rdisk2) and finds the tracks.

  4. Settings...
    File Format: MP4 File
    Codecs: MPEG-4 Video / AAC Audio
    Target Size: 200MB
    Encoder: FFmpeg
    Picture settings...
    Keep aspect ratio: checked
    width: 368
    height: 208
    Crop: automatic

  5. Get a cup of coffee. Ripping 1 hour long movie took roughly 45 min. on my Powerbook G4.

  6. Quit HandBrake and run ffmpegX.
ffmpegX Stage:
  1. Drag the .mp4 file that HandBrake created onto the Source Format "from" pane (or use the "Open..." button for a file dialog.)

  2. Use the Target format pop-up to select "PSP" to load most of the settings.

  3. Click the Video tab to change the Video Size. I used 368 x 208 (same as I ripped it to above).

  4. Click the Options tab to give a name to the Movie for the PSP to display.

  5. Click the Encode button.

  6. Get another cup of coffee! (or this time a cup noodle!) This step took about 50 minutes. Final file size: 200 MB
PSP Stage:
  1. Connect the PSP to the Mac with a USB cable and tell the PSP to go into USB mode.

  2. ffmpegX named the encoded movie M4V0xxxx.MP4 to conform to PSP standards. DO NOT rename the file ffmpegX generates, or it will not work. Copy the file to /MP_ROOT/100MNV01/ on the PSP (takes about a minute).

  3. Unmount the PSP from the Mac then exit USB mode. You should now see the movie listed under the Video menu on the PSP and be able to watch it.


這是小弟第一篇的Blog文章, 小試牛刀, 希望各看家別見笑..

(我諗十年後重看此篇的感覺一定很有趣...不知道大家有沒有如此之經驗: 有一天忽發奇癢執拾家裏積存上十年的雜物, 當中很可能夾著很多兒時作文功課(最經典題目應該要算 - 我的自願) 及寫給小情人又無膽寄出的情信... 慢慢地一封一封地邊看邊回想... 結果雜物依舊堆放於家裡...而很多遺忘了的片段又再一次填塞你那日漸衰退的腦袋....)


相信很多人一聽到「科技」兩個字, 就一定會覺得係難以理解又嚴肅的東西...甚麼納米科技應用, 甚麼CMOS同CCD, 甚麼Mac OS同Window XP之優劣比... 悶!! (不如買本大概半本都是減肥廣告的忽然一周吧.... )

其實科技都可以很幽默同有趣... 小弟就很喜歡看名為"The Joy of Tech"的外國網站... 基本上當中很多Cartoon都揶揄IT界(當中尤其多關於Apple)發生之大事件...
